Episode 44: Finding True Happiness with Derwin Gray
Happiness is often a difficult concept to explain, much less achieve. It seems ever out of reach, yet its profoundly subjective in its nature. If we can define what makes us happy, why does it feel so hard for us to obtain it?
Much like identity, we often look for happiness in all the wrong places — people, sports, hobbies, or other activities that are full of human beings who are bound to disappoint us at some point.
Have you ever gotten irrationally angry while watching a sporting event? Has your mood been affected by something someone said or did? I think all of us can pinpoint a number of examples where our happiness has been dependent or influenced by worldly things.
The key to true everlasting happiness, of course, is through Jesus.
Happy are the people who know the joyful show; Lord, they walk in the light from your face. They rejoice in your name all day long, and they are exalted by your righteousness. (Psalm 89:15-16)
This year I read the best book I’ve read, thus far, on happiness — The Good Life by Derwin Gray. This week I was honored to sit down with Derwin and talk about his book and what it looks like to find true happiness through Jesus.
In a year where we’ve experienced a global pandemic, racial injustice, and general loss all around, we are a people searching for happiness. We are searching for the life God has called us to live and to be the person God has called us to be.
Blessed are:
-The poor in spirit
-Those who mourn
-The meek
-Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
-The merciful
-The pure in heart
-The peacemakers
-Those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake
-You, when others persecute you
(Matthew 5:1-2) — The Beatitudes

True happiness isn’t found in self-serving endeavors that bring glory upon ourselves, but rather it’s birthed out of a life that looks to serve God and others first and lower ourselves in reverence to and for God and in favor of our neighbors. As Derwin writes in his book, “to love our neighbors is to love God. To love God requires that we love our neighbors.”
I invite you to listen this week’s podcast episode with Derwin as he explains in greater detail what it looks like to find true happiness through Jesus. As a bonus, he opens up about what he’s seen as both a human and a pastor as he’s watched the racial injustice play out this year. I am honored to share Derwin’s wisdom with you all this week.
Dr. Derwin L. Gray is the founding and lead pastor of Transformation Church, a multiethnic, multigenerational, mission-shaped community just south of Charlotte, North Carolina. Before becoming a pastor, Gray played professional football for the Indianapolis Colts and Carolina Panthers.
- Give Derwin a follow on Twitter (@DerwinLGray) & Instagram (@derwinlgray)
- Visit his website and buy a copy of his new book “The Good Life” here: https://thegoodlifebook.net/
If you need to get in touch with me, give me a follow on Instagram at coleclaybourn or on Twitter @ColeClaybourn. Check out the podcast Instagram as well — @innohurrypodcast.