Episode 52: In No Hurry Podcast Birthday Party with Ryan Ahlwardt!
Today we are celebrating one year of the In No Hurry Podcast! What a year it has been. Those of you who have supported this show since its inception, I truly cannot thank you enough!
What better way to celebrate than to bring Ryan Ahlwardt back on? Ryan was my first guest and he also created the theme music that we use each week! We had such a great conversation reflecting on the last year for us individually, 2020 as a whole, the first year of the show, and navigating the tough times of the pandemic.
This is the longest conversation I’ve ever had on this show, but it’s fitting! You truly can’t be in a hurry to listen to this one.
One of my favorite parts of this conversation was talking with Ryan about the challenges that creatives felt during the pandemic and how we had to be creative about being creative. While the pandemic felt restricting to creatives at first, I love Ryan’s perspective about how it actually allowed him to focus on what truly mattered to him and what truly fueled him with his creativity.

Ryan and I did a Facebook Live event earlier this year in the Summer where we talked about some of these things and he also played some songs in between! If you missed that, you can watch the full conversation on YouTube.
This conversation is long, but stick around to the end for some exciting news I have to share about my writing journey!
Thank you so much for taking the time to support my show. One of the most helpful things you can continue to do is to spread the word about my show to friends and family who might be interested! It also helps a ton if you leave a five-star review on Apple Podcasts. That helps others know this is a show that would be good for them. Think of it as an Amazon review.
I also want to invite you to subscribe to my weekly newsletter where I send you a devotional each week and occasional giveaways! Subscribers have had the chance to win some free books and free coffee. You can sign up here:
Also be sure to support Ryan! He’s been such a big supporter of this show. If you’ve not already, check him out on Spotify or Apple Music or on his website at ryansongs.com. You can also follow him on Instagram and Twitter @ryansongs.
I’d also love for you to check out this week’s sponsor, Almost Home Clothing. My buddies Spence and Nick started this company this year to help inmates ease back into the world when they’re released and restore dignity to their lives. You’ll hear from Spence mid-episode about Almost Home, but check them out online at almosthomeclothing.com and on Instagram @almosthomeclothing.
I am so grateful for you for taking the time to listen!